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Many thanks to the more than 15,000 physiotherapists and physiotherapy students who use Fullphysio

The platform is super easy to use. My scientific monitoring is much more effective than before thanks to Fullphysio!

Jonathan G.

I am very satisfied with the platform, I use it on a daily basis to work on my patient assessments, provide exercises, review pathologies that I am a little less familiar with.

Vincent K.

Fullphysio allows me to diversify my exercises during my treatment, allows me to review certain theoretical aspects of most pathologies encountered in the office, and allows me to easily stay in touch with the latest scientific data‍

Guillaume C.

Fullphysio helps me a lot as a young physiotherapist. It allows me to save time caring for a patient. It prevents me from getting lost in the search for information, from translating possible pubmed texts, from having a "synthesis" of what several articles say

Manon R.

Thank you for allowing us to have quality and detailed content both in theory and in practice. I gain 4 hours per week in scientific monitoring and researching exercises adapted to my patients. It’s a real plus in my practice

Béatrice D.

It's really a great tool. Well done and thank you!

Noridin T.
+More than 15,000 physiotherapists and physiotherapy students use Fullphysio
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